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WideSoft Solutions

8 Must-Have Features For Your Blog Website You Should Include

A blog is an online journal. Some people refer to a blog as an informational website where they can access all the valuable information.
nowadays, People are blogging for different reasons, however, the main goal of a blog is to attract as much traffic as possible.
A blog is a place more likely a diary where people share their thoughts and opinions.
it is almost impossible to succeed in internet marketing without having quality content. The blog can be a great source of it.

there are different kinds of niches out there. Some of the most popular and profitable blogging niches are health, personal development, lifestyle, making money online, finance, beauty, fashion, travel, and fitness.

some bloggers can attract traffic to their blogs simply because of their celebrity status, while others will have to put in a lot of effort to get visitors.

your blog’s design, look, and navigation will attract the traffic you need. You must take time and research the best blog setup and features that will work for you.
Now, we are going to give you the important features of a blog that you cannot afford to miss.

A modern design with a personal touch
Email Subscription
Social Media Involvement
Comment System
Security and spam protection

1. A modern design with a personal touch

it is the most important and crucial part of any blog website.
The right blog layout and easy-to-use navigation allow visitors to find their way around the blog. readers will judge your blog by its design and layout.
your blog must have a straightforward and simple design that people can navigate easily and find content quickly.

2. Typography

Choosing the right fonts for the website content is another important part of a blog site. apart from website design, web font plays a most important role in bringing a look that pleases readers’ eyes.
so choose a font wisely that matches your personality.

3. Easy-to-navigate menu

The navigational layout is one of the best blog features that make your blog easy to access. The navigational menu is usually found on the home page of the blog and links to every other page, including categories, subcategories, stores, and special articles. so, you must have this feature keeping user-friendly to gain huge visitors.

4. Email Subscription

Email is one of the major parts of marketing in any niche. from our experience, maximum conversion happens through mail marketing. So every blog site should have a subscription option for collecting email addresses.

5. Social Media Integration

Today’s world is the world of the internet and social media. Content on the web is meant to be shared. Facebook has 1.7 billion users, while Twitter and Instagram have 350 million users on average. In 2017, statistics revealed that on average, people spend 205 minutes daily on the internet, and 135 minutes is spent on social media.
most of the blogs link their link to social media platforms and have their appearance on different social networks. This involvement with social media will allow more people to get updates and visit your blog

6. Comment System

One of the best ways of promoting your blog is by allowing those who read your blog posts to comment and leave reviews.
It is an excellent motivation for bloggers.
As a result, you will know that visitors are reading your post and what they feel about your content, A comment is a great way to interact with your readers.

WordPress has a single commenting option for its users, by default. You can also set your site with multiple commenting options to make the engagements smoother.

7. Security and spam protection

Make your WordPress blog site secure. Apart from the help of some plugins like Sucuri and Wordfence, there are some manual technical issues that need to be secured by your blog site from different kinds of spamming.

Some people will post irrelevant comments or link spam on your blog to link them back to their sites for a higher ranking.
It is harmful to your blog. In this case, You can use the Akismet anti-spam plugin and make sure that your site is totally free of threats and spamming.

8. Search engine optimization (SEO)

These are the most crucial and key things you must do to get more traffic. SEO is the most effective element for all kinds of articles.
This is the ability that will make your website rank higher at the top of the search engine result pages. It allows the most number of people who look for the information you have on your site.
For your website blog page, you have lots of options to make your site SEO friendly. In this situation, you can use a WordPress plugin like Yoast SEO or All in one SEO to optimize your web pages to make SEO optimized.

Have A Look At Our Blog Website Development Packages

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